Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Veterans Day

Veterans Day makes me think of my daddy -- I can still hear his soft, southern voice in my head -- he was so kind and loving when he wasn't drinking -- I never doubted that he loved me, he was just a tortured soul....who drank to forget and drank to relieve the pain....but I still remember him and that voice.... Happy Veterans Day, Daddy!


  1. Just to remind you - your Dad was the last guy that I knew who gave me encouragement as I headed off to boot camp in January 1971. My next morning was filled with mayhem, noise, confusion, anxiety, fear, and I imagine some more emotions I can't recall. Your Dad told me to expect that and, "...son, don't go raising your hand for anything..." (I paraphrase because it was a along time ago). I didn't know your Dad very well at all - but, he gave me a wonderful memory that has lasted nearly 39 years this month.

  2. Thank you so much, Robert, for reminding me of that beautiful memory you have of my daddy -- it warms my heart and I will never forget it....
